So the question has been raised, "How did I get here in the first place?"
The Bible gives a very nice illustration. God provided a wonderful place for Adam and Eve to live with Him, and he had just one request, "Don't mess with the tree in the middle of the garden."
Now remember, they had an entire garden, replete with fruit trees and so on. But
no, notice how they just
had to go and eat that fruit!
Similarly, the Vedic scriptures describe that the fall down of every soul is due to envy. We just gotta have what God has. We want to be
the Enjoyer rather than the enjoyed. We want to be
the Creator rather than the created. We want to be everyone's Best Friend and so on.
So basically we fall to the material consciousness like Adam and Eve did, becoming self centered rather than God centered. That's when Adam and Eve saw they were naked, allegorically speaking. There was a shift in consciousness that separated them from God.
That's the material world. Its for separatists, because when one becomes envious of someone, one wants very little to do with him or her. We see this practically. The more materialistic a society becomes, the more the people try to divorce themselves from nature as well as each other.
This envy can continue all the way to the spiritual platform. Most notable are faiths that teach their followers to destroy the sense of self altogether. After all, that's much better than having to deal with the demands of a Supreme Person. Relationship is seen as the root of all pain.
No one to talk to in the void gets boring, however, so impersonalists eventually fall down again to the worship of family and friends and all living beings and even themselves as God by acts of charity and other piety. The problem is lumping Lord Krishna in there as just another living entity. "There's nothing special about Him. He just happened to discover his divinity before I did." So many translations of Bhagavad gita have been translated in this envious, competitive spirit. This is why Bhagavad gita
As It Is is recommended reading instead. It gives us Krishna As He Is.
Bhagavad gita tell us how to become happy by self satisfaction or realization of the soul and how to transcend this material nature. More importantly we can uncover the activities of the soul. They involve one's eternal loving relationship with the Supreme Soul Mate, Sri Krishna. Living for and being with one's beloved, even in a mundane sense is undoubtedly the topmost happiness in which every normal person hankers. If we can't find it, it's because we are looking in the wrong place. By definition, only God is infallible.
Coming to this understanding of a loving relationship with God, however, is when one can see another side of envy and another pitfall for aspiring transcendentalists. In other words, some spiritualists get so impatient in reawakening that relationship, they jump over the scriptures and teachings of experienced souls and concoct their own way. They make a show of loving God, but it is all imitation, used for gaining recognition via a competitive spirit. This is common in India, but evangelists rolling on the ground and crying in love for Jesus aren't much different.
The Lord kindly facilitates these choices because exercising our minute independence gives meaning to love. Going back to the tree in paradise, Adam and Eve represent that ability to choose. We choose whether to serve Him indirectly via dictations from His material energy or serve Him directly via dictations of His spiritual energy (divine love). His energies are so powerful, they can even make a devotee forget the Lord's position, just so there can be exchanges beyond awe and reverence.
So there is self-realization and there is Self -realization. The small "s" signifies realization of the self or what some call the soul. The large "S" signifies realization of the Supreme Self, the Supersoul or expansion of God seated in the heart of every living being. Some call it the "higher self" and mistakenly equate the two. They say we are persons, but only in the stage of material consciousness, but when we remember that we are "God", personhood is disposed of as inferior.
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Yet, forgetfulness doesn't seem very qualifying when considering the definition of God as all- powerful, all- knowing, etc., nor does the loss of individuality into a homogeneous oneness appear appealing. Nor is the question answered, if God is originally formless, where does form come from.
For impersonalists and voidists, individuality is the disease to be done away because of bad experience with material relationships. They reason that if we simply stop desire we'll stop suffering. If we simply stop living, that is, because how can one live without desire? Their proposal is comparable to a foolish person who cuts his head off to stop a headache.
Worst of all, when this limited realization of the Absolute Truth as ultimately impersonal is passed off as the whole truth about existence, it causes people to take to materialism even more profoundly. More sex, more intoxication, more animal slaughter for the pleasure of the palate and so on, since spirituality has been reduced to simply consciousness, with no complete knowledge of the Absolute or the actions of personal expression beyond the material condition. We see this practically whenever doomsday is predicted such as the Y2K. People spend more just in case they will be dead soon.
To some extent the Sri Isopanisad agrees yes, the Lord is inconceivably one with our puny selves, we being His parts and parcels or mini expansions made in His image, but simultaneously He is aloof or separate from His entire creation. This is said over and over in many ways inside the Vedic scriptures. Here is a very nice verse:
"The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance." --Sri Isopanisad, Invocation
Any object, upon examination, is an entire object in an of itself, but simultaneously comprised of many parts. For instance, the keyboard I am writing on. We call it a keyboard, but if you look at all the separate parts that make up the keyboard, each is complete as an entire unit itself. Such as the keys, the letters on the keys, the white paint the keys are comprised of...even the individual molecules that make up all the plastic parts and paint are individuals.
Impersonalists, on the other hand, say something like, "The one you are looking for is the one who is
looking". There is no distinction between whole and part. That means no God which means no relationship. Just the self is looking
for the self.
Granted someone
is becoming partially self aware as a spark of God in a spiritual
sense, but to equate the part and whole is nonsensical. And there's No juice. No real joy unless there are two - the
lover and the Beloved, our original source. Bhagavad gita says that
after many many births, such speculators may finally understand that a relationship is the most satisfying, and a relationship with Krishna is everything.
LATER NOTE: Materially or spiritually, our very nature as jiva is self centered, either fixed on a false bodily conception of self or upon the Krishna, the Supersoul or, in this case, the Superself.